
I remember reading, for the first time, a translation of St. John Chrysostom’s commentary on Ephesians. Only months after our wedding, my wife and I were encountering our first real conflict in married life. A foolish desire to find some saint who would take my side in our trivial dispute had me eagerly turning to the saint’s commentary on the great analogy, that of Christ the bridegroom and his bride, the Church. I do not know how long I read and re-read those passages (my wife tells me it can be measured in days) but I emerged with a sense of shame at my own selfishness, awe at the magnitude of Christ’s love for his bride, the Church, and a profound wonder that I should be called to imitate and participate in that love.

I subscribe to The Pillar. A small Catholic news source set up by two investigative reporters who remain mostly impartial and determined to analyse and report the truth. 

This excellent piece was sent to subscribers of the Pillar on July 4th this year. It is really about the death of modern democracy, why it is failing, and what we can do. I will link to the Pillar's subscription page at the bottom. Now, over to Ed.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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