In the face of current legal cases that beggar belief, I returned to the words St Thomas Moore prayed after his unjust trial, as he was waiting to be executed.

Give me Thy grace, good Lord, To think nothing of worldly things; to set my mind firmly upon Thee; and not to be concerned about the words men say against me. ...  To regard my worst enemies as my best friends; for the brothers of Joseph could never have done him so much good with their love and favour as they did him with their malice and hatred.

The full prayer is much longer, but the lines above struck me today.

This post is my comment on the candidates for the 2019 NSW State election. It is in no way exhaustive, nor do I claim to be the least bit impartial. These are my observations as a voter, who happens to be a Catholic Christian.

For the benefit of those who prefer short answers, I offer a TLDR (Too Long: Didn't Read) after each entry. Even my full text is far too simplistic to be called a summary, so the TLDR is always going to be far too simplistic. Please read the rest.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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