Even so. We have been homeschooling all of our children for the last five years or so, and we have enjoyed the personal involvement in our children's education and development, their excellent company and the ability to tailor their education. The idea of handing our youngest and most vulnerable child over to strangers is a difficult one. Especially since he is non verbal and unable to clearly communicate to us if anything is wrong.
We are still very positive about this step. We are excited about where this will take Albert, and looking forward to watching him grow.
While his gag reflex is now much less, Albert still prefers not to have any solids in his mouth, and so still receives 100% of his daily sustenance through a gastric tube, through a valved "peg" surgically implanted in his belly. His gross motor skills are developing well, and he delights in throwing all kinds of objects, quite accurately, into inconvenient locations. This means fishing various objects out of our swimming pool, various household sinks, the washing machine and from behind furniture. We are hoping this is a sign of a budding career in basketball!
Albert continues to develop his communication skills, using Key Word Sign (a 'pigeon' version of Auslan) to read books, communicate his observations and desires. He even corrects us sometimes when we use the incorrect sign. His music therapist has him forming shapes with his mouth in response to certain vocal sounds. Watching him mime to Whitney Houston's "I will always love you" is hilarious!
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