The problem of sacrificing long term goods for short term goals.
A recent news/opinion piece containing input from Justice Kirby is the latest in a long line of people complaining that a Same Sex 'marriage' plebiscite will cause hateful dialogue.
"This is going to be, if it goes ahead ... running out the old issues of hatreds and animosities, abominations and all the old arguments against gay people"
Normally I would have ignored this kind of non-argument by virtue of its emotive appeal on the basis of a ludicrous assumption that all people on one side of the debate are sweetness and light, while the other side are all hateful and nasty. There is a lot of nasty language flying around on this matter, and it is coming from all sides.
"This is going to be, if it goes ahead ... running out the old issues of hatreds and animosities, abominations and all the old arguments against gay people"
Normally I would have ignored this kind of non-argument by virtue of its emotive appeal on the basis of a ludicrous assumption that all people on one side of the debate are sweetness and light, while the other side are all hateful and nasty. There is a lot of nasty language flying around on this matter, and it is coming from all sides.