Royal Commission

Submission June 2016

To whom it may concern

I write this response as a man who is Catholic by choice, a father of eight children, and a lecturer in Theology at a Catholic University.

With all Catholics, I have been shocked, appalled, dismayed and angered by the accounts of sexual abuse and misconduct by clergy and other representatives of my Church. Any normal human being would be appalled, but Catholics have even more reason to be upset because we know these incidents contradict the teachings of the Church which we try so hard to live.

Reading through various voting guides and comments by Christians in the lead up to the general

election, I was struck by the general assumption that ‘conservative’ and ‘Christian’ are often assumed to be more or less the same thing. It is simply not true.

A quick post to share this little milestone.

That's right, Albert has progressed from pulling himself up on furniture to standing by himself, in a relatively short period of time. It is still a very wobbly and stationary standing, but we are preparing ourselves for his reach to extend twice as high, all over the house!

Anyone with children knows that small things are big things, but with Albert these small milestones seem huge.
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