A recent article titled "5 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Husband Every Night" has been getting some strong reactions around the web. A fair number of women have expressed outrage ranging from genuine concerns to the effect that we should not regress to such a point that pressure should be applied to wives to see themselves as sexual service providers for their husbands, to more trivial spats along the lines of "I have a headache."

I ignored the article when it first popped up because the headline is that kind of click-baiting rubbish that is so often peddled as 'opinion'. Having been prompted by the strong reactions, I grudgingly opened the link and read it. I was surprised. The article seems to be presenting a positive view of sex in marriage.

It has been some time since I posted an Albert update. A combination of factors have made me extremely busy this year so far. We are now homeschooling our children, the oldest is now at

University, I have been working hard on my PhD.

Albert continues to progress at a slow but steady rate. Following Albert's throat surgery, life has settled into a hectic but manageable routine. Albert is continues to sleep without CPAP and seems to be getting along fine without it.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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