Is it important to have an active sex life within marriage?
A recent article titled "5 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Husband Every Night" has been getting some strong reactions around the web. A fair number of women have expressed outrage ranging from genuine concerns to the effect that we should not regress to such a point that pressure should be applied to wives to see themselves as sexual service providers for their husbands, to more trivial spats along the lines of "I have a headache."
I ignored the article when it first popped up because the headline is that kind of click-baiting rubbish that is so often peddled as 'opinion'. Having been prompted by the strong reactions, I grudgingly opened the link and read it. I was surprised. The article seems to be presenting a positive view of sex in marriage.
I ignored the article when it first popped up because the headline is that kind of click-baiting rubbish that is so often peddled as 'opinion'. Having been prompted by the strong reactions, I grudgingly opened the link and read it. I was surprised. The article seems to be presenting a positive view of sex in marriage.