A quick happy update. Today the majority of us had recovered sufficiently from gastro, and we made it to the Sydney Cathedral (leaving two behind) so that Albert could finally have his rite of Baptism completed.

Archbishop Anthony was in fine form and delivered a classic Dominican homily, in which he managed to speak about Ambrose, Augustine, Jordan of Saxony, Albert the Great, and (of course) St Thomas Aquinas.

It was great to have his mother and godmother present this time :) and it was a very special moment for the three men who were present for the emergency baptism to finally see it through to completion!

Thank you all for your continued prayers.

Just over one year ago, after a long and difficult labour, Susan gave birth to our son Albert. He was almost immediately rushed to an Intensive Care Unit in a children's hospital. I asked the doctors if I could wait for a day or so before having him baptised, but they advised us to organise the baptism as soon as possible.

It has been some time since an Albert update I am sorry. This is not because nothing has been happening. It has partly because I have been very busy, but mostly because we are all simply exhausted and I find it difficult to muster the energy to write.

Albert survived a gastro flu that brought about half the household to its knees last week, and he survived a vicious fever that blasted him to 40 degrees Celsius (104F for our American friends) even after five days of antibiotics.

My wife came home with some Wensleydale cheese recently, and I remarked that I remembered the name from The Cheese Shop skit by Monty Python. While discussing the list, we wondered how many of the cheeses we had tasted. One thing led to another and we have now decided we will try to taste every cheese on the list!  

It is, perhaps, a silly goal. But, hey, we don't get out much these days and everybody needs a hobby. :)

For those who have not seen the skit, here it is.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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