Forty ways to do forty days for life.

Most of us are pro-life. We are in favour of defending life, enhancing life and living life to the full!

So when 40 Days for Life comes around each year, we get that urge to somehow get involved. The 40 days campaigns are well run and a good example of what people joined in public prayer can achieve. I want to say up-front that the Forty Days for Life campaign is a good thing, and each and every one of us should consider making the time to get down there and get our knees dirty.

The trouble is that I have a wife, eight children, (one with special needs), a full time job, part time study and a few other good causes on the side. I suspect there are any number of good people in the same sort of position.

Albert continues to improve, albeit at a snail's pace. He has added a few centimetres to his length but has only gained half a kilo over a few months, which is a concern, but not a disaster just yet.

Susie took Albert to see the 'ear, nose and throat' surgeon today, to follow up on the information gleaned from his exploratory surgery (laryngo broncho esophegoscopy and nasoendoscopy) in December.

I remember one Christmas, I had my heart set on a particular gift. I was almost certain my parents had hinted I would get it and I was eagerly anticipating that particular gift above all else that Christmas Eve. Unfortunately I had misunderstood my parents evasive answers and the gift they gave was something completely different. My hopes had been dashed, my expectations unfulfilled. So, all Christmas day, I was miserable.

The gift I did receive was amazing.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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