Fred Nile has created something of a storm by suggesting that the hostages of the gun wielding nutcase in Sydney last December do not all deserve awards for bravery.

Fred has a habit of oversimplifying complex situations, or perhaps the media merely misrepresent him in this manner, but I want to pick out one point he made.

We do not know what the hostages endured in that horrible situation, nor can we accurately assess how realistic a chance they had to act against the cowardly gunman. I don't want to play down the horror all of them endured that day. I am sure that there were some brave actions by individuals in the siege which deserve awards, but let us reward that bravery specifically rather than equate it to simply being in the same place as everyone else.

Albert moves at Albert's pace. This is a lesson we keep learning.

The stomach peg has been a good thing for Albert's general development. His face is no longer covered by taping and tubes, his  hands are no longer covered in socks and prevented from grasping at those tubes. Since he came out of his latest surgery he has impressed us all with his range of expression, his responsiveness to faces and voices, and his progress in grasping things around him manually.
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