St Albertus Magnus
Today is the feast of St Albert the Great.
Shortly before I was received into the Church I was asked to nominate my patron saint. After a lot of searching, I stumbled on the story of a truly remarkable man of God.
One of the first things I read about him was the claim that he had read almost every book printed on every academic subject. He was a Master of every known discipline at the time. His collected works (those that we still have) include masterful commentaries on logic, theology, astronomy, astrology, geography, justice, law, zoology, physiology, mineralogy, botany, relationships and love, and on his strongest and most passionate discipline, philosophy.
Shortly before I was received into the Church I was asked to nominate my patron saint. After a lot of searching, I stumbled on the story of a truly remarkable man of God.
One of the first things I read about him was the claim that he had read almost every book printed on every academic subject. He was a Master of every known discipline at the time. His collected works (those that we still have) include masterful commentaries on logic, theology, astronomy, astrology, geography, justice, law, zoology, physiology, mineralogy, botany, relationships and love, and on his strongest and most passionate discipline, philosophy.