Lest anyone should panic, Albert is generally well and has steadily improved over the past month at home. His muscle control continues to improve, albeit slowly, and his responses to his family continue to be swift and clear. A few ongoing matters are of some concern and I wanted to beg for your prayers once again.

Albert has caught a nasty chest cold. While he is not in the same kind of danger he would have been a few months ago, his breathing is still not at peak and he is expending a lot more energy than usual just managing to stay afloat. He has been prescribed antibiotics, pain killers and a mild steroid to help his recovery, but his sleeping and waking hours are not pleasant for him at present and we ask for your prayers for a swift recovery.

Six months ago, on the 18th of February 2014, Albert Holmes was born after a long and difficult labour spanning over two days. He failed to 'pink up' and within a minute was being assisted with an oxygen mask. Within a few hours he was transferred to a specialist children's hospital. I kissed my exhausted wife goodbye in her recovery ward and followed the ambulance in my own car. The doctors were calm, but gently advised me to prepare for the worst.

For a long time now I have been wanting to write a post to thank all the wonderful people who have made such a difference over the past five months or so. I must have sat down to write this post a dozen times over the past months. I never get far. Each time I would write a few lines, perhaps a draft outline, and then I would be paralysed and unable to continue.

When I get writer's block on a particular subject, the best way to deal with it is to pretend I am writing something else.

By now most people have heard the story of the Australian parents who arranged to pay a poor Thai lady to bear a surrogate child for them. When Pattaramon, the Thai mother, was found to be carrying twins, she was told to abort one of her babies. She refused on religious grounds and gave birth to two living babies. One of the babies was given up to the Australian parents in exchange for cash.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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