Here I am, back in one of Albert's old rooms. The room, in fact, that he was given back in April, to isolate him from other patients when he developed the first symptoms of chickenpox.

Let me reassure you that Albert is presently sleeping and seems to be OK. His visit to the hospital today has been uneventful and he is being kept overnight for observation.

Earlier this week we became concerned that Albert's respiratory rate seemed to have been slightly higher than normal. An additional concern is that the machine that monitors Albert's vital signs overnight gave us two alarms on Monday night. That particular machine only alarms if Albert has not taken a breath for the last 20 seconds.

Every parent can tell you that each new child is a new adventure. Just when you start to feel confident that you may have this parenting thing more or less worked out, along comes another unique and wonderful tiny human being to completely upend your world. We have experienced this shake-up with each and every new baby, but this one is different again.

Albert seems to have improved slightly. He is not quite as clogged up today and has been responding very positively to the children and his mother all day. In fact, he probably smiled more today than he has all week! He seems much more relaxed and content, cooing away to himself on occasion and enjoying any interaction with his siblings.

This post is an attempted response to some friends who have asked me to comment on the concept of submission in marriage. This is a response is a little rushed, but it has to start somewhere. I promise to read and carefully consider your comments.

Christian marriage is submission to Christ and each other. Submission, here, does not mean subservience or being cowed in any way by another’s dominance.

Albert is improving slowly.

For about a week he looked on amazed as the household buzzed, shouted, bumped, laughed and sang around him and, more than occasionally, at him. He seems to have recovered from stage fright and is now responding positively to each of his siblings and to his parents. He still smiles each day, but he is playing hard to get. The amount of effort required to win a smile seems to be excessive, but the delay it does keep his siblings attention for extended periods of time.

Can we please, please dispense with the habit of describing anything that is not Christianity 'atheism'? I understand that popular media, public debating and even so called "expert commentary" have long since dispensed with boring things such as clear definitions and accurate use of language, but please? If people want to use a word to describe their attitude regarding the possibility of the existence of divine beings, we should at least take them seriously enough to describe their stated positi

Our baby son has recently come home from hospital after an extended recovery from pneumonia and open heart surgery. He has recovered well, if slowly, but he still requires a breathing mask fitted when he sleeps and we are still feeding him through a nasal gastric tube. Since his feeds are every four hours, I have found myself kneeling beside his cot while he sleeps, watching his feed gradually drip through down the tube for about half an hour.

I have been writing short pieces for the Catholic Leader (Brisbane) for a while now.

One of the new changes coinciding with Brisbane's new bishop has been the revamp of the Catholic Leader. They have managed to get a number of good people on board and, while I do not receive a hard copy of the paper, I have been enjoying their internet content.

I have grown a little tired of hearing child abuse blamed on 'repressed sexuality' of celibate men. 

There is no doubt that the Catholic Church must face up to the fact that some heinous and criminal abuse was allowed to continue unchecked due to neglect, secrecy and even culpable incompetence.

Albert has been home for three nights now, and we seem to be settling into some sort of routine.

Albert still feeds (at four hour intervals) via the nasal gastric tube, although we do offer him a small amount from a cup if he happens to be awake at the time of the feed. He does seem to be getting used to the taste and swallow routine, but he has a long way to go before he is feeding orally.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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