On the third day (Albert #62)
Albert continues to make slow progress.
He has been semi conscious, slowly batting his eyelids at his mother, and seems to be coping well enough with the gradual changes in his medication. Though he has been coughing a little today he coped very well when they removed his endotracheal tube (his breathing tube) and replaced it with CPAP. Though the doctors would normally expect him to drop back a little directly after the switch, by the end of today he required even less oxygen (40%) than he had on the tube at the start of the day (50%)! This is a very positive sign. Another positive is that his wounds seem to have settled a little and lost most of their redness. There are no signs of infection, though the area around his drainage tubes is still very raw.
He has been semi conscious, slowly batting his eyelids at his mother, and seems to be coping well enough with the gradual changes in his medication. Though he has been coughing a little today he coped very well when they removed his endotracheal tube (his breathing tube) and replaced it with CPAP. Though the doctors would normally expect him to drop back a little directly after the switch, by the end of today he required even less oxygen (40%) than he had on the tube at the start of the day (50%)! This is a very positive sign. Another positive is that his wounds seem to have settled a little and lost most of their redness. There are no signs of infection, though the area around his drainage tubes is still very raw.