"Sharing Your faith without losing your friends."

From my recent visit to Canberra

Some time ago I posted on Australia's rapid movement towards a two child policy. The latest budget is just another manifestation of this trend. A two tier scale has been established for one of the family benefits. Families with one child, and families with two (or more) children. No recognition, no money, no help and no approval for anyone who has more than two children.

Newsflash for anti-family politicians: the number one factor influencing voters is still the views of their family of origin.

Prayer at the foot of the Cross

Remember me?

The one who knelt here years ago

And promised you everything?

Remember me?

The one who forgot his promise

So many times

And fell

Remember me?

Who brought you to tears

With proud eyes could shed no tears

For the lonely and the lost?

Remember me?

Who drove nails into your hands and feet

With every careless sin

And then justified myself?

Remember me?

Whose hardened heart

And angry knees

Could no longer kneel here at the cross

When I n

Reading a post on NCR about Lenten Hymns I remembered a haunting hymn from my Protestant childhood that went like this:

Behold, behold the Lamb of God,

On the cross

For us He shed his precious blood

On the cross

O hear his all important cry

‘Eli Lama Sabathani’

Draw near and see the Saviour die

On the cross

Behold, His arms extended wide

On the cross

Behold his bleeding hands and side

On the cross

The sun withholds it’s rays of light

The heavens are clothed in shades of night


This, Gentlemen, is how a real man does sets things right.

(Words of the poem below the vid.)

I’m sorry Anna Nicole

- Jonathon Walton

Poetry, it’s my release

My shield from my own grief

The refuge to which I retreat

When this world is too much for me

Phrases on pages

Language my mind speaks

Metaphors and similes

Poetic elements

I just breath.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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