One of our local bishops, +Anthony Fisher OP, was recently published in Communio on the question of whether it is morally licit for a married couple to use condoms in order to prevent one of them catching HIV from the other. No matter what you point of view you begin with in this important debate, +Fisher is no lightweight in academic and ecclesial circles and his contribution to this debate is well worth considering, in addition to those of Robert George and Patrick Lee.

As +Fisher points out, nobody is seriously suggesting that the spread of HIV would be halted by the use of condoms exclusively within marriages.

You may have noticed that this blog has changed URL recently which will throw a lot of the old links out, but I felt it was time for a change.

Fans of David Schütz's excellent blog should also note he has moved to a new URL where he delivers the same mix of astute, amusing and affirming commentary on ecclesial issues.

Also moving is Karen from the old Some Have Hats site, now over at Viking Funeral. She may be a bit quiet now that she has picked up more writing work.

After what my wife tells me was a very negative post, it is probably a good time to share my bizarre swings in musical favourites. After loitering on a style affectionately known as 'melodic death metal' for some time I took a brief trip into nostalgia and dabbled in a little (early) INXS before being suckered into some light electronic by a guy calling himself "Owl City." I say suckered because once you start listening to this stuff it gets stuck in your head and you can't shake it.

Over Christmas a friend kicked off a website project to rally ideas and action on how to "opt out of a consumer based lifestyle" that is rapidly destroying our culture. Though my friend's new blog is very definitely coming from a non-religious perspective it tied in nicely with Mark Shea’s mini rant on the subject in December.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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