Avatar and Catholics
Bless me fellow bloggers for I have sinned.
I watched the movie Avatar.
And I loved it!
According to a growing number of bloggers, this movie is anti-capitalism, anti-human, anti-white, pro-ecological movement and pro-pagan religion.
Even my own Cardinal Pell, in his regular newspaper column, derided it as
A considerable anti-climax ... It wasn't terrible, but it was boring; preachy but probably harmless. Even the Vatican seems to have jumped on the bandwagon.
The Church takes the movie to task for flirting with what it says is the worship of nature as a substitute for religion.
I watched the movie Avatar.
And I loved it!
According to a growing number of bloggers, this movie is anti-capitalism, anti-human, anti-white, pro-ecological movement and pro-pagan religion.
Even my own Cardinal Pell, in his regular newspaper column, derided it as
A considerable anti-climax ... It wasn't terrible, but it was boring; preachy but probably harmless. Even the Vatican seems to have jumped on the bandwagon.
The Church takes the movie to task for flirting with what it says is the worship of nature as a substitute for religion.