What am I? Chopped Liver?
As usual, CMR puts a finger right on the pulse with this gem.
I am out somewhere with the kids and someone, typically another mother, will mosey on up and ask me with a disbelieving look "are they all yours?" The snark rolodex then whirs into frenetic motion trying to find just the right response. I could use Matt's line about them actually being hitchhikers I picked up because I thought they looked so darn much like the others. I could make a remark about how I just have the young ones and the other ones are still at home school. I could give them the unblinking stare and ask them if I can share some literature with them. But instead I opt for brevity and respond "Uh huh."But then, then comes the part that gets me.
More often than not I will get some variation on the following remark.
I am out somewhere with the kids and someone, typically another mother, will mosey on up and ask me with a disbelieving look "are they all yours?" The snark rolodex then whirs into frenetic motion trying to find just the right response. I could use Matt's line about them actually being hitchhikers I picked up because I thought they looked so darn much like the others. I could make a remark about how I just have the young ones and the other ones are still at home school. I could give them the unblinking stare and ask them if I can share some literature with them. But instead I opt for brevity and respond "Uh huh."But then, then comes the part that gets me.
More often than not I will get some variation on the following remark.