As usual, CMR puts a finger right on the pulse with this gem.

I am out somewhere with the kids and someone, typically another mother, will mosey on up and ask me with a disbelieving look "are they all yours?" The snark rolodex then whirs into frenetic motion trying to find just the right response. I could use Matt's line about them actually being hitchhikers I picked up because I thought they looked so darn much like the others. I could make a remark about how I just have the young ones and the other ones are still at home school. I could give them the unblinking stare and ask them if I can share some literature with them. But instead I opt for brevity and respond "Uh huh."But then, then comes the part that gets me.

More often than not I will get some variation on the following remark.

You have no doubt noticed I have restricted this blog to a limited list of readers at present. I am afraid that I have managed to upset someone to the point where they find anything and everything I write, or have written, even more upsetting.

As I pointed out in an earlier post, my original intention with the blog was to continue the shoot-the-breeze style conversation I used to enjoy with a variety of friends while living in other cities.

I am my own harshest critic. Most days. Perhaps I should say that, with the possible exception of my wife and one or two friends on certain topics, I am my own harshest critic.

I went to a recent Symposium in Melbourne with certain expectations of myself, and failed to meet those. I presented two papers, one as carefully prepared as I could manage while the other's preparation was a little rushed and ended up rushed in delivery due to time constraints.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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