I have been laid low with a nasty virus lately, possibly due to having one day off in 20 but that's another story. So two of my children decided to put on a 'Mass' for me at home. David is yet to start school, but seems to have the rite more or less in hand, while Anastasia is Year 1 and ... well ... you be the judge.

[David] In name of Father, Son and Hooooooooly Spiwit

[Anastasia] Amen

[David] Dear God, help all people who .... um ... Amen

[Anastasia] Readings time!

David sits down gratefully

[Anastasia] Reading Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall want. He makes me green pastures.

[Dad] Err...

[Anastasia] Shhhhhh

[Dad] right.

[Anastasia] The Word of the Lord!

[Dad] Err, .. wondering about material cooperation in the innocent mistakes of children.

On the topic of swimming the Tibre, Via Creative Minority Report comes this

I am writing to make the announcement that I am becoming a Roman Catholic along with my wife Rhea and our six children. I realise that this decision is going to make some really happy, some very sad and others possibly angry. But, I have made the decision with the deepest sense of integrity and by conscience.

Mark Shea offers an amusing graphic on social media

I couldn't help wondering where blogging fits into this diagram. Maybe with a fourth circle named "Obsessive Compulsive" interlocking with Narcissism? Perhaps that is over the top but, where does it fit?

While you think about that, check out this clip provided by Karen at Some Have Hats.

For those who have been living under a rock for the last fortnight, Fr Cutie, Catholic priest, syndicated TV show host and popular figure in Spanish speaking America has been received into the Episcopal Church shortly after photographs of him canoodling on a public beach with his secret girlfriend.

From 1998 to 2001 a group of three Lutheran Ministers would meet weekly to pray the Divine Office and translate the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday from the Vulgate (St Jerome's Latin translation), and discuss the theological and pastoral issues fizzing in our minds at the time. When one of those men left to pursue further study overseas in 1999, and I was assigned to a parish nearby, I was privileged to join the other two and continue the trifold translation.

After finishing up a series of lectures I gave last year the host, a dear friend, walked me to my car. Upon seeing my car she exclaimed "Oh!... You are SO humble!" My immediate confusion must have been clear in my facial expression because she explained herself immediately. Apparently she had been feeling that her vehicle wasn't reliable and comfortable enough for her use.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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