The Secret Life of Moses
I have been laid low with a nasty virus lately, possibly due to having one day off in 20 but that's another story. So two of my children decided to put on a 'Mass' for me at home. David is yet to start school, but seems to have the rite more or less in hand, while Anastasia is Year 1 and ... well ... you be the judge.
[David] In name of Father, Son and Hooooooooly Spiwit
[Anastasia] Amen
[David] Dear God, help all people who .... um ... Amen
[Anastasia] Readings time!
David sits down gratefully
[Anastasia] Reading Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall want. He makes me green pastures.
[Dad] Err...
[Anastasia] Shhhhhh
[Dad] right.
[Anastasia] The Word of the Lord!
[Dad] Err, .. wondering about material cooperation in the innocent mistakes of children.
[David] In name of Father, Son and Hooooooooly Spiwit
[Anastasia] Amen
[David] Dear God, help all people who .... um ... Amen
[Anastasia] Readings time!
David sits down gratefully
[Anastasia] Reading Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall want. He makes me green pastures.
[Dad] Err...
[Anastasia] Shhhhhh
[Dad] right.
[Anastasia] The Word of the Lord!
[Dad] Err, .. wondering about material cooperation in the innocent mistakes of children.