Kudos to Mark Shea for highlighting another Chesterton quote that reminds us how blindly we follow the opinions and brainwashing dictated by the cultural 'elite'.

For the whole modern world is absolutely based on the assumption, not that the rich are necessary (which is tenable), but that the rich are trustworthy, which (for a Christian) is not tenable. You will hear everlastingly, in all discussions about newspapers, companies, aristocracies, or party politics, this argument that the rich man cannot be bribed. The fact is, of course, that the rich man is bribed; he has been bribed already. That is why he is a rich man.

It may be just the end of a depressing day but this article gave me my first belly laugh for some time!

Today's Guangzhou-based New Express reports on an odd incident that took place in Guangzhou yesterday: a 31-year-old subcontractor climbed to the top of a bridge and threatened to jump off.

Continuing on the theme of music, I ask again, If I said two of the latest artists to produce a new CD are Britney Spears and Eminem, which would you be more likely to concern you?

If you have read my previous post on Eminem's latest offering you might be tempted to assume the answer is obvious.

While I'm on the topic of artists growing up, some recent offerings from former teen 'idols' have been, I am told, in the music world's news and discussion lately. before we get started lets start with a pop quiz.

One of the reasons I didn't like the most recent version of Pride and Prejudice is that it wasn't faithful to the book, and threw in modern concepts and phrases, seemingly at random, which struck a discordant note with the original historical setting.

I realise I have been promising a review of U2s latest album for some time now. Work has been so crazy lately that I have barely had time to form my thoughts on the album into something worth putting on paper.

My initial reaction was one of excitement over the depth of the lyrics, the style of music and the overall maturity of the album.

Musically the style is a mix of old and new. A kind of montage of the various styles they have attempted over the years.

In a post below I wrote

I suspect that raising a fictitious connection with an historical evil is more likely to be a politically motivated tactic designed to put the Vatican on the back defensive, which prevents them calling the various parties in current conflicts to account for their present offenses against human dignity.

I try not to watch the news. It is depressing to see how deliberately the so called 'reporters' twist the most incidental facts to add sufficient spice to their story as they whore after the attention of the largely undiscerning masses.

The constant references to Pope Benedict's "Nazi" past have risen to a frenzy with this week's visit to the holy land. (Creative Minority Report has been keeping a tongue-in-cheek Hitler-Youth-O-Metre on the press lately).

Some of you may remember the "50 Reasons" clip that was circulated last May. I was looking at some Catholic adverts online (research for work) and came across this follow up clip.

In an involved discussion with friends over the new trend in "prequels", that is X-Men and Star Trek, the difference between adhering to the spirit of the 'lore' as opposed to the letter of the 'lore' was raised several times. I was amused to hear old theological discussions (considered boring by most) being thrashed out in the context of the new mainstream appeal of Star Trek.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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