Thanks to Louise for this YouTube link to the Goodies "how babies are made" spoof on sex education. This skit formed part of their episode titled 'gender education' which I have never voluntarily let my children view, although they do enjoy other selected Goodies episodes.

I fell asleep, however, on the couch in front of the DVD as I was 'supervising' my children watching another episode. When the episode finished, the eldest took advantage of my lack of protest to nudge the DVD to continue on to the next episode, and they watched it in full before I woke. I scolded them for taking liberties etc but did not realise which episode they had watched.

My apologies for the provocative title to this post. It is supposed to represent the current thought being expressed by the body about to provide advice to the Australian government on baby bonuses and maternity leave.

For those not parents in Australia, at present a mother is paid close to AUD$5,000 at the birth of a child, followed by regular (means tested) fortnightly payments while the child remains a dependent.

Robert C. Koons, professor of philosophy at the University of Texas, studied the differences between the Lutheran and Catholic positions on a number of key doctrinal matters and, in the words of Lutheran pastor Adam Cooper, "his conclusions clearly have him coming down on the far bank of the river". Cooper has some praise for Koons' work, even acknowledging specific questions which face all Lutherans today.

Koons has some salient points to make on sola scriptura as well.

In showing off his newest addition to his dragon figurine collection, DGD from SciFi Catholic dropped the phrase Crystal Dragon Jesus as a possible name for this chap --->

I had heard this used before but never quite nailed down it's meaning. DGD helpfully provided a handy link explaining that Crystal Dragon Jesus is ...

Matt from Creative minority report recently shared an experience involving a sweltering hot Parent-Teacher night and a huge cup of what my children call 'fizzy drink'.

It reminded me of an occasion we were invited into the parish presbytery, along with a number of other families in the parish, for a "drinks and nibbles" celebration after the Easter Vigil Mass. The party was proceeding well enough.

For those who seek abortion, we will offer counselling and support, but in fulfilment of our Catholic conscience, our hospitals can not offer abortions and they should not be required to provide referral for the purpose of accessing abortion.

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." - Matthew 5:11

The above verse notwithstanding, there is a time when we should answer false accusations against us, for the sake of our families, the Church, the good work we do and for justice.

Senator Barack Obama significantly outspent Senator John McCain in August as the two campaigns ramped up their general election fight, with the Obama campaign spending $53 million that month, $32 million of which went to advertising. That compared with the $41 million spent by the McCain campaign, $23 million of which went to advertising.

That's a total of USD$94 million ...

A quote from the previous talk to whet your appetite, particularly for the men;

For just a brief moment I would like to speak directly to the men in this room, and do something that is never done.

Men, you are made for greatness. You are made to stand up and be men. You are made to defend women and children, not stand by and turn your head when you know murder is occurring and do nothing about it. You are not made to use women and leave us alone.

I am sure most of you have heard about the courageous Gianna Jessen, who miraculously survived a saline abortion and now speaks out against abortion. She's one of the ladies Obama wants killed.

A friend e-mailed this YouTube link and asked me to pass it on to friends via e-mail.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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