Completely off topic, but I just HAD to share this. Ever since I saw the full demo my mind has been boggling with the possibilities. Check out this short promo video (the demo linked above is much longer) which gives hints but doesn't really explore the full possibilities of this new interface.

Now I just want to know when I can install World of Warcraft!

EDIT: Since posting this I found this Warcraft 3 demo using Surface and audio interface.

Mark Shea comments on a Catholic opponent of the death penalty carrying it too far and denouncing the crucifixion.

This is what happens when you take a particular enthusiasm of yours (for instance, abolition of the death penalty) and expand and exalt it into constituting the Entire faith. I call it Truth Cancer. Sr.

One common mistake made in interpreting lyrics and literature is to fail to read a sentence, or even a paragraph in the way it was intended to be understood. Lecturing in Scripture I frequently come across poor interpretations of Scripture which lift a word or sentence out of it's original context and attempt to apply it to modern questions and contexts without proper thought.

I have been a little quiet lately on the blogging front, mostly because all the things crashing about in my head are not the type of thing one can share with the entire world. When I heard this song this morning it really hit the mark, so I will share it. I don't know the band, but I'll be checking them out and you will get a proper review in time. In the meantime, here is the song.

This, from Fr Ernie Davis (HT Third Blog), is by far the best answer I have seen to "why did you become a Catholic?"

People often ask, “Why did you become a Catholic?” My short answer is, “Because I finally realized I wasn’t.” For an Anglican or an Episcopalian, that answer might make sense. They might not agree, but they can understand it. Catholics may be mystified by it.


People sometimes tell me, “It must have been hard to leave the Episcopal Church.

One of the most difficult passages for me in Scripture is Christ's command to love our enemies. If we take this seriously it becomes one of the most difficult aspects of Christian life to live faithfully.

Let's be clear. Jesus didn't mean we should feel all warm and fuzzy inside about our enemies. He commands us to love them. Love is not a feeling, it is doing good to others.

We don't! Not any more anyway.

In a move that may be a surprise to some, Rome has told all bishops to remove the use of "Yahweh" from liturgical hymns and liturgy which has been picked up by Whispers in the Logia.

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In the not-too-distant future, songs such as "You Are Near," "I Will Bless Yahweh" and "Rise, O Yahweh" will no longer be part of the Catholic worship experience in the United States.

A huge HT to William Weedon who directed me to this post speculating that Oxford University Press may be publishing an ESV translation complete with deuterocanonicals in January of 2009!

Along with that growth comes the need for the books of the Apocrypha to be included in ESV Bibles, both for denominations that use those books in liturgical readings and for students who need them for historical purposes.

The Sci-Fi Catholic has an amusing yet pertinent post on finding a confessor who understands your confession.

One question which keeps popping up in life is how should Catholics respond to being mistreated by others? It would seem that there is a clear and simple answer in verses like "turn the other cheek" and "rejoice when men persecute you" but it isn't that simple.

Turning the other cheek is about not reacting out of anger or pride in response to deliberately provocative and insulting behaviour.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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