This one took my fancy after a week of problems getting online...

From Pearls Before Swine.

It would be wrong to let the World Youth Day hype here in Sydney overshadow some fairly ordinary but important details, like Wendy Shalit's return to blogging after an extended hiatus.

In one last desperate attempt to drum up negative publicity against Catholics, certain reporters turned Bishop Anthony Fisher's subtle dig at them (the reporters) into a twisted misquote supporting a false representation of his statement.

Among the blessings for our family in World Youth Day were the tickets arranged for us in the Green section of the crowd at the Papal arrival on Thursday.

Walking six children across the city was an experience in itself. I carried the youngest in a sling across my shoulder while holding hands with another, the two eldest watched younger siblings and stayed close in the pressing crowd.

World Youth Day was HUGE!

It is going to take me many posts to cover all that happened, even from my limited perspective!

Catching up with a dear friend and former colleague in Lutheran Ministry, David Schütz, was a wonderful treat - even if we only managed a few minutes of decent conversation among the hubub of the Vocations Expo. David was in town escorting the Ecumenical contingent of WYD as part of his role in the Ecumenical and Interfaith office of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

So much to blog about World Youth Day and yet I am so tired I can't bring myself to the effort of typing it up. By far the best experience for me personally was meeting Dawn Eden, an author who I admire for her courage and obvious dedication to the truth, and having an all too short conversation in the Vocations expo.

Dawn proved to be every bit as charming and eloquent as her writing promised and I hope very much we can entice her back to Australia very soon.

I came across an amusing, if fairly predictable, reaction to one of our national delicacies on the Sisters of Life Blog. Yes, that's right sisters, Vegemite is NOT sweet jelly. Spread it thin!

I particularly laughed at

“A word to the wise, don’t eat it by the spoonfuls”

And on the same theme (sort of ), life activist Dawn Eden gets a positive run in the Australian in an article titled The High Cost of Free Love.

A snippet.

Yes, that's right, the No-to-Pope campaign won their court case today over the 'annoyance' laws, giving them complete freedom to be as annoying as they like to World Youth Day pilgrims. Morale boosted by their legal victory, the protesters sallied forth with all their strength.

No time to type before I rush off to the first 'official' day of World Youth Day, but here are some shots of the setup in the Vocations congress. Blur and bad lighting I blame on the idiot cameraman (me) or perhaps that, after shifting about 2 tonnes of books in boxes all day my hands and knees are still shaking this morning.

And a little later...

Karen at Some Have Hats has been in fine form lately. Or perhaps it is just that her style suits my mood at present ;). This paragraph is an indication of her feisty offerings

"Justice" is a word that has become interchangeable with "tolerance."

"Tolerance" means that we must cheerfully applaud any perversion on the planet, and in the process, we must dump 6000 years of sacred history and tradition. If you refuse, you are a hatemonger ...
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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