In the midst of World Youth Day preparation rush.. I couldn't resist sharing this spoof. I'm not sure where it comes from and I don't have the time to find out, but have a chuckle with me.

My previous post in reaction to DGD's post on MMORPGs has prompted further discussion on his blog and some reactions in his combox. I felt that the point I was trying to make in this response needs some more work. What do you think?

To me, playing 3-4 hours a day for an MMORPG of this caliber isn't all that bad, especially when you consider the depth of the gameplay WOW offers.

Like the man said, I'm not sure this can be quantified.

I admit to being cynical about Medjugorje, a suspicion which has only grown with each 'message' and commentary I have read from or about the so called apparitions there.

Karen over at Some Have Hats has posted the full transcript of an interview with Rome's Bishop-exorcist, Monsignor Gemma on the subject of Medjugorje.

She borrowed the text from a Scottish site, which in turn translated the interview from the original text.

A particularly touching account of unlooked for response from children on Jen's blog reminded me I have been meaning to share something that happened at soccer training last Tuesday. I reluctantly agreed to coach my son's Under 10 soccer team this year on the basis it will enable me to spend more time with him and the other children during the week, since I have to leave work early that day to make the training sessions.

I am usually suspicious of articles highlighting specific instances of 'Muslim atrocities' since I think they are probably more propaganda than accurate descriptions of common life in Islamic countries.

Imagine, for example, a news report outlining the racist riots (pictured) that took place in Cronulla not so long ago being splashed across TVs and newspapers in Islamic countries. Would we appreciate this sub-human behaviour being used as an example of typical Australian behaviour? I hope not.

Lyl from Purcells Chicken Voluntary has an amusing reflection on truth and evangelisation which includes the following encounter,

It was Lent and a small group of us in the parish had a Lenten group happening. It was meant to be ecumenical and the only non-Catholic in the group was a female minister in her church (I forget the denomination).

On the Delict of Attempted Sacred Ordination of a Woman

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in virtue of the special faculty granted to it by the Supreme Authority of the Church (cf. Can. 30, Code of Canon Law), in order to safeguard the nature and validity of the sacrament of Holy Orders, decreed, in the Ordinary Session of December 19, 2007:

In accordance with what is disposed by Can.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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