DGD over at Sci-Fi Catholic has an interesting reflection on the 'art' of Video games, specifically their interactive plots, imagination and virtual reality. His post is more a pointer to a longer reflection by T. Joseph Marier over at Inside Catholic. Specifically DGD cites Marier saying

I quickly discovered, though, that the video game world is better than its reputation (which is set by the most violent and outrageous games, which I avoid). In fact, the best games out there may actually be good for the soul

Making it even more interesting is Marier concludes with Far from being brainless entertainment, the best games today have genuine artistic merit. Some are violent, it is true, but many are not. Some are ideologically problematic, while others are almost Christian.

I have been chuckling my way through the response of my favourite Scripture scholar Dr Paul Mankowski SJ to "The Gospel of Judas" and I couldn't resist sharing this.

I am not suggesting that source criticism or form criticism are not valuable tools in biblical studies or that the scholars that employ them cannot be first-rate critics.

It was an image News reporters just couldn't resist. A local woman wearing an Akubra covered in an Australian flag, with a style reminiscent of Pauline Hanson spouting lines like "We just don't want Muslim people in Camden."

In any other council, for any similar project the local council meeting would have been attended only by a bored bunch or counselors and a few interested parties.

Karen at Some Have Hats has posted a Procrastination MeMe for anyone who is bored. Since the server on my online game is down for maintenance this evening... I'm bored enough to do this.

Yep... Reeeeeeeeeeeeaally bored!


What time is your alarm clock set to? My wife guards the alarm clock. She says I leave it beep too long and it stresses her out. This means it beeps once, she hits it and gets up and I wake up an hour late.

No words necessary

Introducing a new joint Blog, combining the efforts of several of the best in the bloggosphere!

Stuff Catholics Like is a new effort to present various aspects of the faith in a positive, down to earth and slightly tongue-in-cheek manner.

Topics so far include

Holy Water

Lay People





Clapping in Church

Making Saints

Non Catholics wearing Catholic stuff


and the latest...

This popped up in the combox in a discussion on same-sex 'marriage' over at Karen's blog Some Have Hats.

EVERYONE has the same right: that to marry someone of the opposite sex.

That's what marriage is: the union of a man and a woman. In no religion or no society has marriage EVER been anything but that. Gays can marry, they just have to marry someone of the opposite sex, same as the rest of us.

What gays want is to be able to marry anyone they want; a right which NO ONE has ever had.

With the release of Prince Caspian, I suspect we are about to see a new round of the debate about presenting religious themes via mediums which are primarily seen as entertainment.

Further to the posts on Anglicans and their attitude to World Youth Day, Alan Gold attempted in The Australian to portray World Youth Day organisations as a shambles,

"with just weeks to go before the visit, insecurity, top-level resignations and a growing sense of doom have turned the organisation of World Youth Day 2008 into a potential nightmare."

Despite admitting to having no access to anyone in the Organisational team, or any accurate figures, or any clue at all in fact, Gold still presu

Though we have never met in person, LeeAnne has been a dear friend and constant support for me and my family for almost a decade now. With her permission, I am sharing a letter she sent to the University of Queensland recently.

Dear Joshua Young,

I am writing from Washington State, in the U.S. I lived in Queensland, Brisbane and Mt. Isa for nearly three years in the 1970's. I have fond memories of my time there.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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