Beautiful Benedict XVI!
The so-called Panza Cardinal, God's Rottweiler, the totalitarian doctrinaire, as he was initially portrayed by his enemies on his election, seems to have won people over in time.
The Gentle German, a title I think more fitting, has not pulled his punches in an effort to play it soft with the antagonists. The B16 Bomber, as Fr Stan Fortuna calls him, has dropped a dose of his Vitamin B16 into many an aging liberal's nursing home pill tray, doing all the things they predicted would cause a general uprising in the Catholic faithful.
The Gentle German, a title I think more fitting, has not pulled his punches in an effort to play it soft with the antagonists. The B16 Bomber, as Fr Stan Fortuna calls him, has dropped a dose of his Vitamin B16 into many an aging liberal's nursing home pill tray, doing all the things they predicted would cause a general uprising in the Catholic faithful.