Just when I thought I couldn't be more amazed at the animosity of the anti-life crowd towards babies... THE STORK is a short video which brings new meaning to the old phrase "Baby Boom"!

If these people had any integrity they would do themselves in without contaminating the atmosphere with another lung full of carbon dioxide, and decompose helpfully under a native tree. Just to be clear, I don't wish that on them by any means. I hope that all human beings live to their full potential. That is what being pro life means.

I doubt many people have been holding their breath waiting for my next inspirational post *cough* but in case anyone is wondering, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. It feels more like the face of the earth dropped on me.

Trying to catch up with about four months of work before Christmas has me chasing my tail around frantically on the odd occasion I manage to sit behind my desk.

In a speech to a pro same-sex marriage demonstration, (HT : Some have Hats) the Catholic Mayor of Los Angeles compared the opposition to same-sex marriage to the historical opposition to interracial marriage.

I tried to resist posting this after seeing it first at Sci-Fi Catholic, but I couldn't help myself. DGD is right, it's 'dang funny'. I winced, cringed and laughed a lot! I loved the line about Catholics.

Today we remember those who fought and especially those who died fighting for the freedom we now enjoy in Australia. But what does this 'freedom' mean?

In the news today is a story of a German family denied permanent residency in Australia because they have a son with downs syndrome.

Remembrance Day


Prayer for Peace

O Lord Jesus Christ, who in your mercy hears the prayers of sinners, pour forth all grace and blessing upon our country and all its citizens.

We pray in particular for our Prime Minister and all members of parliament, for our soldiers, for all who defend us, whether on land, sea or in the skies, for all who are suffering the hardships of war. We pray for all who are in peril or in danger.

Though seriously disheartened by the recent election results in her country, Karen from Some have Hats still found time to reflect on some of the reactions from 'Gay' activists against Christians who voted to uphold a traditional definition of marriage.

"Burn their f---ing churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers," wrote "World O Jeff" on the JoeMyGod blogspot. ...

I have never suffered from the delusion that my blog is a big deal, a fact confirmed by relatively low number of hits, but casting about the blogging community on this matter reveals that the number and type of reader of one's blog is a huge matter for some bloggers.

One interesting comment on the recent election in the USA claims that,

The national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found 27 percent of registered voters have read political or campaign blogs.

Someone I talk to frequently and who's opinion I value stumbled across my blog recently. My friend was shocked that I could reveal so much about my thoughts, my life and my beliefs in such a public forum. In the ensuing conversations, bloggers were compared with exhibitionists in that they get some sort of thrill in people noticing things about us which would normally be intimate and private details, properly known only to our closest friends.

Watching the worlds financial house of cards tumble this week has been alarming, but not nearly so alarming and seeing our government throw over 10 BILLION dollars at the problem, with most of the attention going to handouts which won't actually do anything positive. In fact, handing huge sums of money out to people in the hope they spend it, and thus increase consumer confidence and spending, is more likely to perpetuate the problem than solve it.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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