The Feminine Genius links a report of the attempted rape and murder of one Anne-Lorraine Schmitt, the eldest child of a devout Catholic family.

Her workmates observed that the 22 year old apprentice journalist had

... impressed the editing staff by her general level of culture, her maturity, the demands she made on herself. Demands that probably were the result of her faith: she was profoundly religious

She resisted her attacker and he reacted by stabbing her repeatedly, and cutting himself in the struggle. Police later noticed the wound and took him to hospital where he was arrested.

Her story has similarities to that of St Maria Goretti. In any case, we thank God for her positive witness and ask him to comfort her family.

Yet another scientific study showing that oral contraceptives are a serious impediment to a woman's health.

Dr. Gordon Tomaselli, a Johns Hopkins University cardiologist and American Heart Association official, said he was surprised by the findings.

"It's a bit eye-opening, I think," Tomaselli said in an interview.

"What would I tell my daughter to do? I might suggest maybe not oral contraception," Tomaselli said.

Bob Catholic cites G.K. Chesterton in his comment on why he won't be writing up his conversion story.

Numbers of much better men have been sincerely converted to much worse religions. I would much prefer to attempt to say here of the Catholic Church precisely the things that cannot be said even of its very respectable rivals. In short, I would say chiefly of the Catholic Church that it is catholic.

Yet another week of coming under attack from Catholics for teaching the Catholic faith, I was delighted by this quote I found on Purcell's Chicken Voluntary.

Yet another Evangelical becomes Catholic story (H.T. Standing on My Head) which includes reading Mark Shea's By What Authority. A book which, I contend, is the very best resource for evangelicals coming home.

Most conversion stories, including my own, get too bogged down in the messy details of personal struggles to have much lasting use for others who later tread the same paths. Mark Shea's version concentrates on the reasons to be Catholic, and all the steps along the way.

OK OK... I promise that is the last political rant you'll have to see here for some time. I'm taking a political hiatis and refusing to react to or read any politics for a month.

Besides... I have marking to do ;)

Did you hear about the Amish family who visited the big city for the very first time? Father took some of the children to meet a relative who worked in a huge highrise building, while mother waiting outside with the rest of the children.

Not that I am particularly conservative myself, but I do believe that we should be offered a genuine balance between conserving what is good and pushing forward to new and greater goods.

To those who have popped in to this blog lately, I apologise. I have been far too involved in following the Australian federal election to post on anything else and, frankly, most of my thoughts on that are far far too depressing to post here.

The scariest result of the election is that Labor must now woo the Greens for anything to get passed the Senate.

Check out this recent gem from Archbishop Roland Minnerath!

Once you say, "I am committed to the Catholic faith", you accept it as a whole. As I do. If you really do not agree, you change. This is religious liberty. It's the liberty to change one's religion.

I have the pleasant job of reviewing a new stack of CD's from Catholic artists this week :)

The music isn't fit for every one's tastes but I couldn't resist sharing some of the lyrics from the song 'Ultramontane' by Akalyte, from the Album of the same name. It is not quite the approach I feel most comfortable with but it is becoming more common among the new wave of young Catholics.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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