Further to previous references on AIDS prevention in Africa, some material cited in a local parish bulletin. I have attempted to provide links to the original sources.

The Catholic Church is forever being criticised for its opposition to the use of condoms... Well, what's the truth? Are condoms really the answer? Do they solve the world's problems? Read on...

Here is an example of just how wrong the UN and its organ the World Health Organisation are [on this issue].

AIDS victims in 1987: Philippines 135 / Thailand 112

In 1991 the WHO predicted that the Philippines and Thailand would have 80,000 to 90,000 and 60,000 to 80,000 AIDS victims respectively.

Diogenes is always clever, regularly brilliant, but I just HAD to share this one. In response to this from Polly Tonybee of the UK Guardian;

With its ban on condoms the Church has caused the death of millions of Catholics and others in areas dominated by Catholic missionaries, in Africa and right across the world.

Hoooo boy! That man Pell is at it again! Stirring up trouble among environmentalist fanatics and their friends in the press by suggesting that we take a deep breath in the midst of the climate change hype and take a good hard look at the scientific evidence.

I have been following the various responses to Pell's skepticism and one thing has stuck out a like a sore thumb.

When I read headlines like "Abortion rate too high" I cant help shaking my head. If there were even one innocent baby murdered in any other context, wouldn't that be considered too many?

The Catholic Bishops in the UK have called for "a change of hearts and mind" in their country on the abortion issue on the anniversary of the Bill that legalised abortion. Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams chimed in with his emphatic "we should think about it more and discuss it" comment.

Yes, I am still working on a detailed post on Men and the Catholic Church. I was handed a couple of new books on manhood so I have had to shelve it for a week or so to take their into account, if they are any good.

In the meantime I was tickled by this response to my post over at Catholic Dads.

Bill said...

Word of wisdom guys. Men have NEVER at any time in history been as religiously inclined or involved as women. It isn't what your religion does that is the problem, it is your religion.

While I passionately believe in the truth, and following that truth as best I can, I try very hard not to let my zeal become insensitivity or rudeness which unnecessarily offends people.

If I haven't already posted about Apologetics being completely different from Evangelisation, then I should have. Apologetics is often a necessary resource in leading someone over a certain kind of hurdle in their journey home, but doing apologetics is definitely not the same thing as evangelising people.

This post isn't about that. It is about the nature of apologetics. For the purposes of this discussion I would like to distinguish between positive and negative apologetics.

Back in June, when he clearly put the Church's position on the destruction of persons in embryonic stage, Cardinal Pell was angrily denounced and subjected to anti-Catholic bigotry from both sides of politics and across the country.

David Schütz wrote,

A recent Commentator asked what advice I had for getting men back into church life. I didn't have much advice (Peter at With a Grain of Salt might have more).

No doubt David remembers (with a certain amount of nervous twitching) long conversations over port and coffee on the topic of men and Church. The subject of men and Church has been a research hobby of mine for over a decade now.

Just when I'd told myself I wouldn't post anything from Pell this week he comes up with this doozy.

THE Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, has stepped up his criticism of Catholics who support contraception, abortion and stem-cell research on the basis of their own moral conscience as proponents of a "Donald Duck heresy"....
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