The World Youth Day office have released a new Video Clip, this time aimed at encouraging local Australians to save up the money to come to WYD.

It will cost an Aussie $335 for full registration, which is the lowest it's ever been for Aussies. We normally have to fork out for huge air-fares and accommodation. Some pilgrims have reported costs of $6,000+ for a WYD! This is a big opportunity for Aussie youth. I hope this video inspires them to save.

The concept and film editing are great. I was privileged to see the first draft of this video and apparently they had to change the music for some reason. But seriously guys...

I'm in the middle of chaos, turmoil or whatever kind of hell moving home with 7 people is called.

First things first. Wendy Shalit is finishing up her tenure as a guest blogger on The Great Mate Debate so I'm moving my link over to her Girls Gone Mild blog. I'll leave the Great Mate link up for a few days to see who they get next.

An update on the 'banning' of blogs on The Spirit of Vatican II blog. I recieved the following comment on my initial post,

Hey Peter! I'm really glad to see that you didn't fall pray to that horrible "internet" rumor that we're some sort of joke site. I don't know how that rumor got started.

Thank you God for answered prayers!

We finally signed the Rental Agreement on a new rented home! Not without a huge amount of relief since our current lease runs out next week. The removalists move in on Friday and so the panic has reached fever pitch. The children are quite distressed seeing all their toys and books get sealed up in ever increasing piles of boxes which are filling our living space.

Listening to a current affairs interview on the way to work yesterday I was horrified to hear the reporter say that there is a palpable tension in Washington DC, even among the people on the street, regarding the escalating war of words with Iran.

I haven't had much time to surf for new and interesting blogs lately so I've been relying on my usual list and Jen's weekly favourites list for my blog time. That was until I read, with some surprise, that someone had BANNED the Sci-Fi Catholic's blog.

Two women engaged in an ongoing same-sex relationship are suing their IVF provider because they conceived two babies instead of their preferred one. From Melbourne's same-sex cheer squad, otherwise known as the Age newspaper,

The couple allege they had made it clear that they wanted only one embryo transferred during the IVF process. Instead two were transferred, leading to the twin birth.

Patrick at Creative Minority Report (who I highly recommend - even though I took a shot at one of his posts recently ;)) has an amusing take on the US Bishops appointing a 'pro-choice' woman to a key administrative position.

[Picture this:] Jane Doe has recently been appointed to a key position in the administration. One of the key roles of her new position is to insure and promote race equality.

Reading another excellent post by Jen at Et-tu,

Anyway, the events of the past 24 hours have made me realize that there actually is one thing that I really, really, miss about my life before children: having this whole parenting thing all figured out.

When I was pregnant with my first child I stopped taking new clients for my business so that I could just focus on enjoying the pregnancy, reading, and learning. ...

First, I need to admit my stake in this. I did not have regular access to a Television until I was about 16 years old. Music and books were my culture and context. The music issuing from our home stereo ranged from classical to contemporary. The classical music included most of the popular composers but the contemporary music was exclusively Christian.
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