This tongue in cheek piece on Some Have Hats says what most of us have thought about a great many modern churches. Reflecting on the news that a bomb plot on an Orlando Cathedral had been foiled, Karen writes,

Dear Orlando Cathedral Bombers,

I know you must be disappointed that your plot to bomb the Orlando cathedral has failed. I have no idea what your motivation is, but I'm going to assume it is church-related and specifically Catholic Church related. ...

If you had succeeded in bombing the Orlando cathedral, you'd be in a lot of trouble right now.


However, do not despair! I have an idea that will make everybody happy.

I have been enjoying reading the back and forth on a number of issues being discussed at The Great Mate Debate having followed Wendy Shalit there from her own blogs. Despite my frustration at having my com-box comments blocked as Spam (I suspect due to the seemingly garbled nature of my e-mail and URL address) I keep going back for more thought provoking, and just plain old provoking comments and opinions there.

I look forward to lunch break on Monday. It is the time I get to catch up with the weekend's work of all my favourite bloggers. Among today's lunch time feast was one from Jennifer F at Et-Tu on motherhood and ambition.

In yet another episode of play-acting Catholics recklessly messing with the delusions of the misguided, a woman 'bishop' laid hands on 3 Catholic women to 'ordain' one a priest and the other two deacons. (HT to Confused Catholic)

The attempts to legitimise the ordination of women by means of token gestures have become boring at best and an abuse of truth and justice at worst.

Having recently commented on a conference due to take place here in Sydney, my attention was drawn to a symposium taking place at the moment in Melbourne on the encyclical Deus Caritas Est.

Another Harry Potter released and already the usual hubbub of excited fans has hushed into the studied silence of intense page-turning concentration. I haven't read the book yet so I respect the careful efforts of those all-weekend-readers to avoid spoilers in their online comments and reviews of the book. Fans, and sensitive people in general, respect the fact that spoilers detract significantly from one's enjoyment in reading a book, seeing a movie or a play for the first time.

I was tagged by The Creative Minority Report with the following meme.

The Rules:Those tagged will share 5 things they "love" about Jesus.

Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.

Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their name so that others can read them.

I confess to being utterly uninspired of late, hence the late response to my tagging, but here goes.

My answer is summed up in one line. I love that Jesus was a real man.

In spite of the Australian Parliament's tragic undermining of the value of human life of late, the Australian scene has been one good news story after another. Archbishop Carles Chaput, Bishop Anthony Fisher, Cardinal George Pell, Rev Dr Paul Mankowski are the most notable speakers among many who have been producing papers and good media responses of late.

Wendy Shalit and friends continue to provide interesting opinion pieces on dating and relationships at The Great Mate Debate, including this one where Wendy talks about flirting within and outside a relationship.

Flirting with others when you're in an exclusive relationship is not OK in my book. I think people should use their energy to focus on their current relationship, and to try to improve it.

After much planning, saving and hard work, our parish priest was positively glowing as he assisted Cardinal George Pell in the consecration and dedication of the new altars and furnishings of our parish church. The main structure remains unchanged externally, with only a few changes internally.

I will let these pictures tell the story, but I'm afraid the pictures do not do it justice.

Fr Robbie thanks the Cardinal saying "all of this has but one purpose.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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