With a big hat tip to Stephanie, I think this advertisement should get some sort of award. I love it! I just had to post it here...

I can't wait to show my wife! In a non-hinting sort of way of course.

Further to my previous post, and given that we are not permitted to lie or even implicitly condone a contradiction of the truth, the question remains "How do we go about telling the truth and acting on it in a truly loving way?"

We all know that there are situations where we know what is right and good, but speaking the truth and acting on it are likely to cause friction between us and other people.

A disturbing phenomena within the ranks of otherwise faithful Catholics has been a wave of public criticism, accusation and sustained personal attacks on key figures of the Catholic revival.

I do not intend to name names here, nor go into the matters which sparked the original disagreements. To do so would be to contradict the purpose of my post and, as I hope to demonstrate, Catholic moral teaching.

Jennifer at Et tu? posted on the topic of discerning God's will in daily events, and asked

So let's say I'm driving to a Catholic friend's house to talk about homeschooling, and on the way there, my car breaks down.

Domenico at Bettnet, reflecting on state statistics that suggest "gays and lesbians just don’t want to get married", asks the question,

"So what we have here is a fundamental re-configuring of the very basic foundations of society and civilization, creating a fiction known as same-sex marriage, for a group of people who—by and large—don’t want to be married. Why?"

Even a sentence like this that seems to support Church teaching, uses a couple of false assumptions.

Matthew, on the topic of miracles on The Creative Minority Report (always worth a look), had me ranting in the com-box. So I brought the rant back where it should be, right here with all the others! ;) I should say it was a "Yeah, I agree!. And another thing..." kind of rant.

Just because we can explain something doesn't make it less a miracle. In fact, most of the time all we are doing with 'science' is describing a miraculous thing.

Take the development of a human being for example.

Don't let the title of this post fool you. I love Benedict the XVI. This post is based on some thinking I did back when I was a Lutheran minister.

When, at seminary, I admitted I was uncomfortable with calling the Pope the anti-Christ, a lecturer pointed me to the "we don't have to call him that if we don't want to" statement.

The Lutheran Church of Australian relatively recently (in 1994 I think) allowed it's pastors and members to say that the current pope is not the Anti-Christ.

In light of several posts (here and here) around the blogger-block lately encouraging Catholic bloggers to participate in MMORPGs, that is, online games interacting with many other people, I am breaking my own rule and sharing an aspect of my recreational life Catholics normally can't understand.

My name is Peter and I play World of Warcraft.

Having posted recently on the angst leading up to conversion, I chuckled when Schütz joked that William Weedon had been reading my journey home blog before posting the following.

Amy Wellborn has alerted us to yet another imminent home-coming. Professor Robert Koons announced, on the same blog as Dr Beckwith's, that he will be received into the Church Church on May 26th. Koons was baptised in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

One comment in response to Koon's announcement elicited this from me.

But after seeing Dr.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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