Christmas has come and gone, but the Christmas season is still here. As a family we made a practice of remembering loved ones by putting their names on our tree, and praying for them as we moved through Advent.

Christmas was fairly hectic but we managed to find time to pray a little for each of them at some stage.

I'm not sure how we could do this better, we certainly struggled to pray regularly in this busy season. It seems to have helped our foucs on family and friends at this special time.

If you haven't seen it already, Lousie's succinct take of Angela Shanahan's article on feminists and Julia Gillard is good for a chuckle to get you in the mood for Christmas cheer.

A small taste of Lousie,

I was speaking with a man I know recently, who was positively gushing over the fact that our deputy PM is a woman.

One of the problems of allowing the commercial hype to set the tone of Christmas is that it becomes difficult to celebrate Advent prayerfully, and to continue celebrating the Christmas season after Christmas day itself is over.

Advent is it's own distinct season which is often overwhelmed by the sickly commercial versions of Christmas which are imposed on us by advertisers eager to cash in on the season. Very little distinction is made between Advent hymns and Christmas hymns.

With apologies for my mock subject line, this example (see my previous post on this topic) of headline madness (HT Curt Jester) comes from the UK's Daily Mail.

The ordinary of Melbourne Archdiocese Archbishop Dennis Hart has informed the priests of his Diocese that he expects complete adherence to the teachings of the magisterium in his see (HT David Schütz). In his address to the council of priests of that archdiocese, His Grace said,

Recently we have heard a number of discordant voices pleading for a vision of the Church, which is not that of Jesus Christ and not that of our Holy Father and the Bishops.

As part of my ongoing professional development I regularly touch base with the 'latest' biblical scholarship reflected in scholarly periodicals in that field. One such publication, which we were encouraged to read in Lutheran Seminary, is the Biblical Theology Bulletin. Generally speaking the periodical has been slightly left of middle. Lately it seems someone has kicked out the supports and left it sliding rapidly away to the left.

Right after I posted that,

My favourite theological writer of all time had his creative output seriously curbed a few years back. He has so many people bothering him he has little time to write. When he does write he has to deal with a complicated process involving many editors, advisers and translators. I guess being Pope isn't all fun and games after all?

I laughed in agreement with Young Fogey's post on trying to catch up with the Holy Father's voluminous writings.

The writers strike in the USA has obviously left Karen with more time on her hands than usual if she has found the time to meme me!

Rules: Each tagged person must post 8 random facts or habits about themselves on their blog. At the end of the post, choose 8 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them that they are tagged and to read your blog. Have fun!

Random eh? I guess to copy the last "8 facts" meme I did wouldn't be random would it? Lets see.

A friend recently asked me what I meant by my children playing a 'scam' on me. Some other adults have been horrified that I would suggest my children engage in elaborate plans to manipulate privileges and rewards from us. They maintain this disbelief right up to the night they first babysit for us.

A sample exchange,

[Isaak] Daaaaad...

[Dad] Yes son?

[Isaak] You know how you said that it'd be good for us to affirm our brothers and sisters?

[Dad] Yes mate.

A few years back we got sick of the stressful rush towards Christmas that Advent had become for our family. Buying presents had to be squeezed between Christmas 'break up' parties, end of year School functions and family get togethers. On top of this there were extra preparations for Church activities and the actual Masses themselves.
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Married with eight children, I read for work and recreation which results in the current combination of G.K. Chesterton, Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchet in my backpack. I'm not always certain which is work and which is recreation!
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